Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)

Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States

Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)

Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States



  • Coordinator
  • Project

The project objective is to increase EU’s joint operational efficiency by developing the concept of surgical teams and ensuring a healthcare continuum for Air, Land, Maritime and Special Operations Forces in order to provide a critical capability to the Force Commanders.



Surgical support is a key factor in medical support improving operational sustainment. The changes in the EU’s strategic environment, with new consequent scenarios, highlight the need for rapidly deployable, highly mobile, versatile and with a minimal logistical footprint Medical Treatment Facilities (MTF) to provide medical care, including initial surgery to the casualties in different domains: Air, Land, Maritime and Special Operations Forces. This MTF could facilitate the possibility to ensure the continuum of care providing a critical capability to the Force Commanders.


The intent of this project is to increase the EU’s joint operational efficiency by developing the concept of the ROLE2 Forward.

More information on the project can be found here:

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