Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)

Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States

Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)

Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States


Medium size Semi-Autonomous Surface Vehicle (M-SASV)

  • Coordinator
  • Project

The project will develop a medium size semi-autonomous surface vehicle with multiple mission modules (e.g., ISR, ASW, ASuW, NMW/NMCM). Manned when must, unmanned when possible, the platform will provide increased operational flexibility and crew protection. While the design focuses on littoral operations, the platform will be also deployable as part of naval task groups.



Project will develop a modular medium size semi-autonomous surface vehicle with various mission modules (e.g. ISR, ASW, ASuW, NMW/NMCM). Manned when must, unmanned, when possible, the platform will provide increased operational flexibility and crew protection. While the design focuses on littoral operations the platform will be also deployable as part of naval task groups.


Project objective is to develop a medium size semi-autonomous surface vehicle (M-SASV) with following main characteristics and capabilities:

1) Modular architecture that supports various mission modules/payloads (e.g. ISR, Anti-surface Warfare, Anti-submarine Warfare, Naval Mine Warfare or/and Naval Mine Countermeasures);

2) Platform that is manned when must, unmanned, when possible, i.e. a combination of manned and unmanned functions that enables persistent naval presence and fulfilment of variety of tasks in different threat conditions;

3) Improved cyber resilience of networks and data links vital to the functioning of platform both individually and as part of a naval task groups.

More information on the project can be found here:

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