Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)

Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States

Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)

Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States



  • Coordinator
  • Project

The objective of the project is to develop, establish and operate a multinational Cyber and Information Domain (CID) Coordination Center (CIDCC) as a standing multinational military element, where – in line with the European resolution of 13 June 2018 on cyber defence – the participating member states continuously contribute with national staff but decide sovereignly on case-by-case basis for which threat, incident and operation they contribute with means or information.



The Cyber and Information Domain Coordination Centre has the aim to support all the planning & conduct of EU missions and operations with CID capabilities (supporting role), plan and conduct EU CID Ops (supported role) and enhance overall EU CSDP resiliency. In coordination with the pMS it will develop a product and performance catalogue of information products for operational planning of EU missions and operations which will continuously be updated by pMS; provide up to date information products for operational planning of EU missions and operations to MPCC (also OHQs, EUMS, CPCC and potentially JCU); Provide assessments and evaluations for operational planning of EU missions and operations to MPCC (also OHQs, EUMS, and CPCC); Correlate incidents across several EU missions and operations.

The Cyber and Information Domain (CID) integrates Cyberspace, the electromagnetic environment and the cognitive environment. Therefore, CID is not limited to the Cyberspace but also comprises elements of the “J2” and “J6” areas of responsibility.


The project’s objective is to develop, establish and operate a multinational Cyber and Information Domain (CID) Coordination Centre (CIDCC). This standing multinational military element, where – in line with the European Parliament resolution of 13 June 2018 on cyber defence – the participating nations continuously contribute with national staff but decide sovereignly on case-by-case basis for which threat, incident and operation they contribute with means or information. It will provide a proof of concept during its IOC phase and aims to reach FOC as an EU capability.

More information on the project can be found here:

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