Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)

Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States

Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)

Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States


[CLOSED] EUFOR Crisis Response Operation Core (EUFOR CROC)

  • Coordinator
  • Project 

The EUFOR Crisis Response Operation Core (EUFOR CROC) will decisively contribute to the creation of a coherent full spectrum force package, which could accelerate the provision of forces.

EUFOR CROCwill improve the crisis management capabilities of the EU by enhancing the force generation preparedness, willingness and commitment of EU member states to act and engage in operations and missions. It should fill in progressively the gap between the EU Battlegroups and the highest level of ambition within the EU Global Strategy.



When starting the project, the EU was lacking generic strategic plans for crisis response operations including concrete force/capability element lists apart from the more generic EU Requirement and Force Catalogues (used for generic capability planning purposes only). The Project has been addressing this gap by developing force sensing mechanisms in order to create scenario-based force element lists.

EUFOR CROC paves the way for an achievable EU Level of Ambition. It creates convergence and promotes the political commitment towards higher strategic autonomy. It shows a solid path to speak with one voice in a period marked by a significant rise of new and constructive initiatives and ideas. The work towards an achievable EU LoA should be gradual, with sense of proportion, but always striving to become more ambitious. This is exactly where the project starts. EUFOR CROC thinks ahead, is therefore to be seen as building block for a genuinely ambitious PESCO entailing a strong political and security impact. Its project members thus make a targeted contribution towards strengthening the EU’s fast and determined ability to act.

With the Strategic Compass the EU member states have decided to implement the Rapid Deployment Capacity (EU RDC) by 2025, to develop Operational Scenarios and to derive operational force and capability requirements for these scenarios. EUFOR CROC, with its experience in scenario-based force sensing, has been supporting EUMS in implementing new mechanisms and processes in order to create a comprehensive force/capability database for the EU RDC.


The PESCO project EUFOR CROC was designed in the spirit of a common rationale to enhance the Force generation preparedness, willingness and commitment of EU member states to act and engage in operations and missions.

More information on the project can be found here:

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