Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)

Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States

Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)

Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States


EU Military Partnership (EU MilPart)

  • Coordinator
  • Project

The aim of the project is to improve European capacity to commit alongside and sustain partners’ military forces. It could serve as a platform for EU Member States and relevant EU actors to exchange on national cultures and strategies, share information and discuss best practices about Military Partnership (Advise, Train, Equip, Accompany, Reform) with a view to rebuild partners’ military institutions.



In a context in which the ability to interact with partners is crucial in our military courses of actions, the aim of the project is to improve European capacity to commit alongside and sustain partners’ military forces.

It could serve as a platform for EU Member States and relevant EU actors to exchange on national cultures and strategies, share information and discuss best practices about Military Partnership (Advise, Train, Equip, Accompany, Reform) with a view to rebuild partners’ military institutions.


A first step would be to establish a comprehensive picture of the military partnership activities undertaken by the Member States. Exchanges on the different national strategies will help to build a common assessment of partners’ armed forces needs in terms of training, advise, equipment or accompaniment, which could support CDSP and increase coherence in capacity building.

In the mid-term, the EU Military Partnership project could foster the emergence of a harmonized EU approach regarding military support to partners and the development of joint assessments and proposals (commonly agreed training syllabus, pooling and sharing of training programs…) to enhance these partnerships.

Outputs of the project could be (inter alia): 

  • A convergence towards a shared approach about military partnership which could take the form of a doctrine, lessons learned and best practices drafted with the support of EUMS,
  • The definition of levels of operational ambition to be achieved by the partners’ armed forces, with corresponding education and training catalogues as well as a typology of related capabilities in terms of equipment.

More information on the project can be found here:

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