Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)

Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States

Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)

Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States


[CLOSED] European Union Training Mission Competence Centre (EU TMCC)

  • Coordinator
  • Project 

The PESCO project EU Training Mission Competence Center (EU TMCC) was a project of the first PESCO project wave in March 2018. The overarching aim of the EU TMCC was to improve the availability, interoperability, specific skills and professionalism of personnel involved in EU Training Missions. The focus was on personnel designated to staff positions at the operational and strategic levels and mainly within the framework of an individual employment (e.g. mentors, advisors).

During the workshops the project members developed and agreed on potential tasks of a EU TMCC, compared and analysed the training demands of the participating Nations and identified and consulted relevant EU institutions which could have incorporated the identified tasks of a EU TMCC into existing structures.

Thorough discussions with representatives of the EU Military Staff, the Military Planning and Conduct Capability (MPCC), the EU Military Training Group (EUMTG), the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) and the Eurocorps finally showed, that the coordinative tasks and the training demands expressed by the nations are already structurally and organisationally addressed in the framework of existing EU entities and processes, but currently not well interlinked and aligned. Based on these considerations the project Members finalized a set of recommendations, how existing structures and processes could be developed and adapted to improve the training of personnel involved in EU Training Missions without establishing a dedicated EU TMCC. Thereby a duplication of existing structures and processes and the unnecessary allocation of already scarce resources could be prevented and synergies leveraged. The project members decided to close the project in 2020 with that set of recommendations, which could be adapted within EU institutions.


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